Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You Can't Call Him "Senator Al" Just Yet

As of Tuesday, Minnesota's sole representative in the U.S. Senate is Democrat Amy Klobuchar. We're still waiting for the other one.

The Minnesota State Canvassing Board concluded its work Monday, giving Democrat Al Franken a 225-vote lead over Republican incumbent Norm Coleman. That gave Franken a chance to declare himself the winner, wax pious on the task ahead of him, then go back into his shell without taking questions at what was billed on CNN as a "news conference". Because he, and we, know it's still not over.

Coleman, whose offices have been closed and is legally no longer Senator, would have done everyone a huge favor if he dropped the idea of further legal challenges so every last vote could be counted. He didn't do that, of course, risking his reputation on being seen as a sore loser who has to go running to a friendly courtroom to keep his job.

Governor Tim Pawlenty, who has to certify the election, won't do so until Coleman has exhausted all legal challenges before giving his blessing to the winner. Not to sound cynical, but we're sure the Governor would rather give that honor to his fellow Republican.

Whoever winds up in the Senate chamber has to know that they shouldn't make the same mistake George W. Bush made when he was handed the 2000 presidential election by the U.S. Supreme Court. He started believing he had a mandate to run the country when he really didn't. Of course, the events of 9/11/01 had something to do with it, with everybody too busy with flag waving to take on Bush. But we digress.

The new Senate, which convened Tuesday, would have had a Democratic majority of 18 votes if Franken's victory had been made official. And if they could ever get those messes in Illinois and New York straightened out, there could be two more. When all the pieces finally fit together, it'll be interesting to see if things will be any different than the last Congress.

And the next Senator from Minnesota should be sworn in by the time President Barack Obama picks out his new puppy.

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