Thursday, January 29, 2009

Update: Blagojevich Kicked Out, But Is Still Talking

Just days after trying to win TV viewers' sympathy in numerous talk show appearances while ignoring his own impeachment trial, Rod Blagojevich is Governor of Illinois no longer.

The Illinois Senate voted 59-0 to remove Blagojevich from office after he was arrested by federal authorities on various charges of bribery and corruption, which included allegedly attempting to sell President Barack Obama's Senate seat. Pat Quinn will take over.

Blagojevich decide to show up at his trial Thursday, giving a lengthy speech defending himself. Then he regaled the media with his wisdom outside the Capitol. Soon he will have the opportunity to explain himself in federal court, presumably with no cameras present.

On Monday, the women of ABC's The View begged Blagojevich to do his impression of Richard Nixon. Well, he'll continue to do that because, like the former President, we will have the former Governor of Illinois to kick around for awhile longer.

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