Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lincoln and Obama: 200 Years, But Not So Far Apart

Thursday was the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. So revered was he that every President since then has tried to measure up, with mixed success. Barack Obama is just the latest to try his hand at it.

Both Lincoln and Obama made their name in Illinois, but weren't born there. They began their careers in state politics before moving up to Congress. Both were elected President in pivotal years in American history--Lincoln in 1860, Obama in 2008.

Both men excelled at words and oratory. Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg address and two inaugural speeches, with words that are still remembered today. Obama wrote two best-selling books.

Lincoln was a Republican, attempting to undo the mess made by Southern states which vowed to secede the moment he was elected. Partisan newspapers criticized his every move.

Obama is a Democrat, attempting to undo the mess made by the previous Republican administration that had divided a nation. Partisan radio talk show hosts criticized his every move.

Lincoln's great crisis was a war within his country's borders. Obama has two wars a million miles away, but his crisis at home concerns an economic recession bordering on depression.

Lincoln's major accomplishment was the surrender of the Confederacy at Appomattox. Obama's major accomplishment so far is getting Congress to agree on a $789 billion economic stimulus package.

Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing African-American slaves. He could not have imagined that someone like Obama could be President back then.

Two hundred years have passed, and Lincoln still stands as one of the greatest American presidents. How will history judge Barack Obama?

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