Friday, May 18, 2007

Wolfowitz Cashes Out. Gonzales Next?

Paul Wolfowitz, whose most recent claim to fame was in helping to plan the Iraq War, has resigned his position as president of the World Bank, effective at the end of next month. Considering that, among other things, he set up his female companion (and fellow Bank employee) with a cushy job inside the State Department, it's likely the Bank would have removed him anyway.

Thus marks another embarassment for President George W. Bush, who seems to stick with the same people long past their expiration date because he can't bear to let them go, no matter what the consequences to the country.

We're seeing it again with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, whose job remains in jeopardy weeks after it was discovered that eight United States attorneys may have been fired for political reasons. The president continues to stand by Gonzales, even though Congressional leaders from both parties have called on him to resign.

Loyalty is one thing. It's another to be blindsided when the person you chose for the job does something so stupid that it's difficult to look the other way. Certainly President Bush has figured this out by now. Or has he?

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