Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Runners Stumble

Newt GingrichImage via WikipediaOK, folks.  Time for your once-in-awhile update on how some of the Republican presidential candidates are doing in this, the silly season before the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. 

Herman Cain  Still fighting back charges of sexual harassment made over a decade ago by four women, Cain's stock depressed further when--in a video made by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel newspaper--he was seen having to think real hard about a question concerning President Obama's handling of Muammar Gadhafi's ouster in Libya, then gave a rambling answer.  Voters might have to think real hard themselves about where Cain stands on foreign policy.

Rick Perry  The Governor of Texas tried to atone for his notorious gaffe at a CNBC debate.--You've all seen it.  It's the one where Perry forgets to name the three federal departments he'd like to eliminate.--by going on nearly every TV show the next day (including being the subject of a David Letterman Top 10 list) to explain himself.  Maybe Perry was right when he said that there's too many debates, and that he'd like to skip some of them.  Next time, Governor, take some notes so you (and we) know what you're talking about.

Michele Bachmann   The Minnesota congresswoman's poll numbers have been barely showing a pulse since Perry emerged as the Tea Party's favorite.  She's also been wondering why she's not getting asked as many questions as the other candidates at the debates.  That is, until somebody leaked an e-mail from a CBS producer directing that those with the best poll numbers get the most questions, which prompted Bachmann to charge liberal bias against the network.  At the CBS debate, which was held on Saturday in South Carolina, the congresswoman voiced her approval of waterboarding, and thought the United States should be "less socialist" and more like China (Huh?).  But just in case this presidential thing doesn't pan out, she can always promote her new book.

Newt Gingrich   Your new #1 poll sitter, now that Cain's imploding and Republicans aren't real thrilled with Mitt Romney.  The former House Speaker doesn't offer much beyond the usual anti-Obama conservative rhetoric and his own baggage (his wife shops at Tiffanys, his self-destructive political career, and his authoring several alternative-history books), but what he is saying seems to be striking a chord among those who are weary of the other guys.  This week, anyway.

See what you're missing, Sarah Palin and Donald Trump?
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