Hunted down and killed by Navy Seals, with President Barack Obama's blessing, we learned that Bin Laden wasn't hiding in a cave after all. Instead, he and his associates have been spending the past few years living in a mansion in a suburb outside of Islamabad, Pakistan.
Bin Laden was the man responsible for terrorist attacks that haunted the administrations of Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Since 2001, however, he has been little more than a figurehead in the Al-Qaeda organization, hopscotching from cave to cave making taped threats along the way. Others have been carrying out attacks in his name.
Meanwhile, the United States is still involved in wars that were originally intended to root out the evils of terrorism, but have since devolved into remaking other people's governments in our image with mixed results.
Back at home, the reaction to Bin Laden by the U.S. government has been to clamp down on its own people. Everyone is searched at airports, government buildings and sports stadiums regardless of age, race and gender. Passports are now required to enter Canada and Mexico. A new cabinet department was created with the ominous name of Homeland Security. Racism directed at people of Muslim descent has become rampant. Laws have been passed to strip away civil liberties in the name of a safer America.
Don't expect any of this to go away soon, if ever. As the need for security lessens, the government will always find an excuse to keep the restrictions in place.
Even though Bin Laden is gone, there are plenty of others who are ready and willing to take his place. Al-Qaeda is now based in countries around the world, as if it were a fast food franchise. Apparently, their goal is to kill as many people in the name of jihad as McDonalds has sold burgers. Americans have their own unique brand of terrorism. They're called "lone wolves", who didn't need Bin Laden's help in shooting up shopping malls, military bases and college campuses.
So, as you misguidedly wave the American flag and shout "USA! USA! USA!" because Our Guys killed the baddest man on the planet, ask yourself this: Does this make us any better than Osama bin Laden?
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