The reason for Olbermann's brief exile had to do with campaign contributions he made to three Democratic candidates, which is a no-no under NBC News policy. Not unless he asked first.
Yes, MSNBC was justified in suspending Olbermann if you believe everyone who works there are impartial journalists and are supposed to steer clear of partisan politics. After all, you wouldn't expect this type of behavior from Brian Williams of "NBC Nightly News". But Olbermann has made his name in the last decade as a news anchor who turned "Countdown" into a forum for his liberal punditry, and has done very well with it. MSNBC capitalized on that success by surrounding him in prime time with the likes of Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz and Lawrence O'Donnell as the progressive alternative to Fox News Channel.
There's a bit of hypocrisy here because some of FNC's commentators have been known to write checks to Republican candidates, and few care. They also have possible 2012 presidential contenders Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee on the payroll. Then again, FNC doesn't have the journalistic standards MSNBC does, even if they get the most viewers.
Now Olbermann can continue his nightly diatribes against the Tea Party, corporate political funding, journalistic lapses by Fox News, and other evils that conservatives do. At least he won't be accused of not putting his money where his mouth is.
What's missing is Olbermann's "Worst Person In The World" segment, which he dropped after Jon Stewart's wishful thinking rally to restore political sanity caused him to do some soul searching. Doesn't he realize that this is what people tune in for?
MSNBC has been struggling to find an identity ever since they first went on the air. Hosts such as Phil Donahue, Don Imus, Jesse Ventura, Tucker Carlson and Charles Grodin have come and gone without much success. With Comcast coming in (pending government approval), how long will it be before MSNBC re-invents itself yet again and kicks Olbermann, Maddow and company to the curb?
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