Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thinning the Campaign Herd

As Super Humongous Tuesday (also known as February 5) approaches, the Democratic and Republican candidates for president are starting to thin the herd.

Hillary Clinton won the Nevada caucus for the Democrats, but Barack Obama got the most delegates for some convoluted reason. Mitt Romney got the GOP nod there, while John McCain won in South Carolina.

Fred Thompson, who apparently would rather be reading scripts than campaigning, has dropped out of the Republican field after poor showings in the primaries.

John Edwards could be next if the CNN-televised Democratic debate from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina was any indication. Both Clinton and Obama sucked the oxygen out of the auditorium with charges and counter-charges against each other, leaving Edwards to helplessly watch moderator Wolf Blitzer lose control over the proceedings. And some people are touting Clinton and Obama as running mates?

All the Democratic candidates agreed in the presumption that McCain is going to be the GOP nominee. Of course, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee may have something to say about that.

Let's talk about McCain for a moment. The former Vietnam POW has been getting strong support from conservatives and independents, in part because his steadfast backing for the military's "surge" in Iraq is paying off in terms of the country becoming a little more peaceful. But there's always the possibility of violence flaring up again, not to mention President George W. Bush picking a fight with Iran. And that could sink the Arizona senator's candidacy.

Reports are that Clinton is conceding Saturday's Democratic primary in South Carolina to Obama, which is why she's campaigning in the Super Humongous Tuesday states. McCain and Giuliani are seen as the favorites in Florida's GOP primary. And then comes February 5.

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